Thursday, February 26, 2009


In my basement I see my childhood. I see people hugging me. They all love me and everyone is kind. We are laughing and we are having a really good time.

On the first floor I see people that like me I have lots of friends and people to talk to but most importantly a beautiful girl in the middle and I like her and she likes me now my life has meaning.

On the second floor I see all my family and friends all at the park with a gigantic pool in the middle and slides that are 50 feet tall. We are all eating ribs and having a big barbecue. Now we all sing a song together like we are one person.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


I flopped up the stage saw yo mama slaped her and said "FATALITY".

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My family is a town my,
mom is the bank because she gives us all money,
my dad is the mayor because he narrarates,
my sister is the transportation she brings people everywhere,
my brother is the police he sheids us,
and i'm the heart because i do nothing but everyone loves me.

Monday, February 2, 2009

ON the top of my house
Is where i feel comtable.
It's safe, nice breeze, and pretty peaceful.
But the bird poo is pretty nasty.
No one notices me up there.
Even when i scream HEEEEEEEELP.
I can sleep up there at night.
When it is 3 in the morning.
I look up at the stars to dream.